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Point relais: vous avez 7 jours pour retirer votre colis! 7 et 8 Mai, PAS DE LIVRAISON
Point relais: vous avez 7 jours pour retirer votre colis! 7 et 8 Mai, PAS DE LIVRAISON
Préparer l'Ultra Trail du Mont Blanc - UTMB

Preparing the Ultra Trail of Mont Blanc - UTMB

Stéphane Ricard, Õdevie ambassador, is preparing the famous UTMB, Ultime Trail du Mont-Blanc, this year.
171km race, 10,000 meters of D+ , crossing 3 countries : Italy, Switzerland and France.
He has been followed by the "Dauphiné libéré" for several weeks, a newspaper with which he shares his preparation. He has been storing "terminals" and positive elevations for several weeks to prepare his body for such an ordeal.

How can marine plasma support the preparation of an ultra trail?

1 . As a daily cure , marine plasma helps support mineralization and deep cellular hydration. This is the mineral capitalization phase, essential to withstand long efforts.
2 . During exercise , the marine plasma compensates for mineral and water losses. A good initial mineral capital + consumption during a race allow, among other things, to avoid cramps and to remain lucid.
3. In recovery , because during training and competition large quantities of minerals and water are spent, the body needs to recharge to be able to pass in phase of rest and reconstruction.
! A reduced recovery time allows you to follow training sessions with less suffering, reduce the risk of injury and increase performance; for the competitors it is not negligible! For amateurs, it's more pleasant 🙂

>>> For dosages, we have a page dedicated to athletes .
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